Students have to write compare and contrast essay to investigate distinctions and likenesses of two certain and various subjects. After a student was given or has chosen subjects he has to start comparing those subjects and working out the structure of his paper. If you are afraid of this type of essay and do not know how to build a decisive comparative analysis or create effective essay, read the following steps.
Very often the success depends on those two subjects. You have to pick things you can compare and contrast in a rational way. Two subjects can’t be too different or too similar. If your teacher didn’t give you subjects to analyze, think about these topics:
Once you have the subjects to compare, you have to explore them and write all the differences and similarities. Go to the library, surf the Internet, brainstorm and figure out what they have in common and what differentiates one subject from another. Create a list of the most meaningful distinctions and likenesses. Theoretically you have three points of comparing. For example, do not be focused on gender difference of two writers, think about their ideas or pieces of work’s themes, or differences in reader audiences.
Proceed to the thesis argument of your essay. Try to write in a sentence the importance of comparing and contrasting two subjects. Figure out the strong strategy for the essay.
Make a plan of your compare and contrast essay:
In the block organization you write all the points about the first subject in the one paragraph and present all the pints about the other subject in the second paragraph. In the point-by-point arrangement you should discuss a certain point about the first subject and then immediately to discuss the same point about the second subject. One paragraph will be devoted to contrasts and the second - to comparisons.
Each paragraph in the body should consist of the following parts: topic sentence (it will introduce basic idea and subject of the paragraph), body sentences (concrete evidence, proving the topic sentence) and conclusion (summarize the insights of this paragraph).
Proof read the paper and correct any punctual or/and grammatical errors, and sentences that repeat one idea.
Here are few more tips to make you essay more professional: